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Speaking Engagements

Interested in having contributors talk at your university, convention, or art department about making an independent career on the web?


The Best of - April 2013

If you aren't a subscriber to, here's what you missed in April.

Site Posts

Who's the Fool? Are lame April Fool's Day comics worth it?

Hot Seat: Character Design Our next series of critiques will focus on character design

Gary Tyrrell: Inside the 'Committee of Six' The NCS divisional awards caused a lot of heated debateFleen'sGary Tyrrell was a member of the screening committee for the online division, and he explains the process from the inside.

Lame obit cartoons Everyone rolls their eyes at them, but can you do it better?

Introducing a new character What's the best way? Poll: Pageviews and income

WordPress under attack sent out the alert that there was a massive attack on WordPress sites... then we told you how you could protect yourself.

Bill Day respondes to plagiarism attacks

Webcomics Bootcamp at Philadelphia Comic Con. I'm running a bootcamp for webcartoonists at Philadelphia Comic Con. members get special pricing.

Amazon eComics Amazon releases a special app for building digital comics, but is the pricing prohibitive?

Google Analytics unveils "Universal Analytics"

IndieGoGo clones of Kickstarter projects

Square for iPhone introduces the Item Library This feature, long a staple for iPad users is finally included in Square's iPhone app.

How Many Pageviews = Success? It's the most often asked question in webcomics (with "what sizes should I print my T-shirts?" being a close second).

Private Forum Topics

High-resolution monitors: Is 72 dpi enough?

Taping your work

How to preview CSS Web sites offline

DeviantArt publishing comics on iOS devices

Are ads on longform-comic sites worth it?

What's the ideal strip layout size for mobile?

Selling digital goods at cons

Script Frenzy

Comic Rocket and ad networks

JAVA update for Mac messed up Chrome?

Cintiq alternatives

Someone else is using my comic's name! Please advise!

Do I need a seller's permit if I make my own T-shirts to sell on my site?

Webcomic blogging: I've run out of things to write

Web store recommendations

Fear of the chargeback (using credit-card readers at conventions)


May To-Do List

Get out your calendar and start circling dates. It's time to do a little webcomics planning.


How Many Pageviews = Success?

When I got this e-mail, I tried to find the site post in which I had addressed this topic. Although I know we've discussed this here, but I couldn't find a post that addressed it directly. So at the risk of treading some ground that longtime members may already be familiar with, I wanted to post this to make it easier for people who had a similar question.

Q: I'm sure this is a bigger question than I think it is, but I started my webcomic in January and Ithink I'm doing okay with pageviews (I only update twice a week) but is there an easy number to point to to say, "At this point, you are successful?"  Another Webcomic friend of mine said (he heard) that at 1000 pageviews a day, you can quite your day job.  I'm thinking this isn't true, since that's about where I'm at now.  And no money, not that I've tried yet.

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Square for iPhone - Item Library

One of the biggest disappointments I've had with Square for iPhone was that it didn't include the same funcionality of the iPad counterpart -- namely, the ability to creat an Item Library. So I'm excited to announce that the newest upgrade to the iPhone app finally addresses this. Here's a quick guide to get you started.

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Saturday Deep Dive: The Free Sample

Todays dive into the deeper archives of takes us waaaaaaay back to April 2009, when we discussed the usefulness of giving away free samples at comic conventions.

You've managed to secure a table at a comic convention. You've got your shirts and other merchandise prepared, your banners made and your tools for sketches ready. Sounds like you're set, right? Well yes, but you could do more. Many people who have no idea what your comic is about, and they're going to ask you. And you will try to tell them, but they still will not know.

Comment in the original thread.