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Starting the new year off right

Today's post was generously submitted by Julie Faulkner.

Welcome to 2014!

The New Year and that clean-slate feeling make it so easy to just get excited about your own potential! So we make our resolutions, some we keep and some we let go, but there’s always that moment of infinite possibility!

The trick is turning possibility in to probability.

Challenging goals are ideal, but they still need to be realistic. Objectives that are too easy become boring and lose your interest and commitment over time but goals that are so difficult that they are unattainable are just as discouraging. There are likely as many strategies for achieving your ambitions as there are ambitions themselves, but I’d like to share some of the ones that I’ve had some success with by mingling them together, starting with writing out a great big, blanket, vision statement. Some people prefer to do a vision board; a collage of images they associate with their resolutions but personally, I find that a little too vague. Great, I have a picture of a sandy beach to make me think about that vacation I want to take, but it’s not helping me make that vacation happen.