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Saturday Deep Dive: Rewarding Donations with Desktop Wallpaper

Tiday's dive into the deeper archive of dates way back to the site's early days in 2009, when I shared a tutorial on offering desktop wallpapers to people who make donations to your site through Paypal.

Accepting donations on your site is a fairly well-accepted practice for most cartoonists. But if you're going to ask for money, many people argue, why not offer something in return? It stands to reason that this is not only polite, but it would increase the total number of donations. Offering a downloadable desktop wallpaper is an awesome way to encourage donations. The wallpaper itself is merely a JPEG that users will download and install on their computers. Plus, it's a nice bit of promotion for your site. Luckily, PayPal makes this extremely easy. (1) Set up a Donation button. (It's found under the Merchant Services tab.)

Read the entire piece and comment there.