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Ten Tips for WordPress Newbs

A little backstory. My experience with finding a Web host started with GeoCities (now Yahoo), and progressed to Keenspace, Keenspot, Blank Label Comics (which was hosted by a wonderful guy we met through Howard Taylor), and finally, Dumbrella Hosting. And the Content Management System (CMS) had always come as part of the package. (Kris Straub coded the BLC CMS, which I'm still quite fond of.) So when Dumbrella announced they were closing down, I was faced with solving both of these issues independently for the first time in 13 years.

I have more grey hair than I did thirty days ago.

On the bright side... holy moley, do I ever have some new source material for this site that an be filed under "I make mistakes so you don't have to!"

So... here's what I'm learning. WordPress is an overwlemingly popular CMS for webcomics. And this is good because you can access an astounding number of helpful plug-ins for your site through WordPress. But -- beyond the "famous five-minute install" (mine took about eight hours, but that had waaaay more to do with my choice od Amazon Web Services for hosting), things get hairy fast.

With that in mind, here are TEN TIPS FOR THE WORDPRESS NEWB...

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