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Friday Archive Dive: First-World Cartoonist Problems

Today's Archive Dive comes from Nov. 6, 2012, when we discussed the new age-old question: What comes first, the tweet or the 'toon?

On his site yesterday, Scott Kurtz shared a rather interesting thought.

More than once I’ve twittered something that I consider to be smart and funny when suddenly my feeling of pride fades as I realize. “Oh shit. That was a comic strip.” I mean looking back at one my favorite tweets:

there's gold in there.

That’s PvP comedy gold, and I’m wasting it. Eagerly. Instead of chuckling and writing that down in a notebook for use later, I felt this bullshit social pressure to say something funny on twitter. UGH. 

Read the original post for the whole story.

It's a great topic for discussion. We've spoken often here about using the power of Twitter to promote our sites. And you can't build Twitter followers on promotional messages alone. You have to be enteraining -- you have to give your followers a reason to follow. But Scott brings up a question that lies at the base of all that -- shouldn't the best of that entertainment go to your comic?

Forgive me for getting all chicken-and-eggy, but: what comes first, the tweet or the 'toon?

Join the discussion under the original post.