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Mailbag: Collaborations


I've been attempting to get moving on a webcomic for a little over a year now. I've got to the point where I would have 3-6 months written out (depending on update schedule). Recently though, I've decided to put this whole story in the background.

Now, this is the beginning of my problem. While I'm hugely interested in what I was doing, there seems to be something throwing up blocks in the way. I think the best thing I can equate it to is stage fright. I'm afraid to put myself out there for the world to see.

Now, this fear has lead me to shelve my original in lue of one that is a little rougher and not as demanding artistically. Perhaps this was done to save myself from having my story being panned universally. While I'm perfectly fine with writing/drawing what I want to do, I can't help but think that it is going to be terrible. Then again, maybe it is just another wall I'm putting up to procrastinate more to put off these feelings I'm having.

As a creator, how do we combat this? Is it wise for me to make my first attempt at comics one that isn't as demanding? Am I doing myself a disservice by testing the waters, perhaps saving my better idea? Being that I have an issue with putting myself out there for fear of it not being acceptable (perhaps not by just my own standard), am I just setting myself up? Or am I breaking myself in?  I'm starting to think that if I don't get things posted, I never will. Should I just do it? Help!

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