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To anyone who submitted articles to

Your posts are hidden from the subscribing members and will remain so until you give your consent for them to be used. I will be contacting you with an e-mail shortly to get your approval or disapproval. I apologize for the confusion.

Reader Comments (7)

I have never submitted an article (at least I have started one about writer-artist contracts but never finished it), but I have to say that this is the right thing to do.

January 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNovil

Just do your best. We all attempt things that don't come off perfectly right out of the gate.

I'm sure there was a good reason for your decision- even if only to focus everything down to a more engaged core audience.

Do NOT fret about internet drama, and also don't try to protect yourself too hard- in situations like this you've gotta ask yourself 'am I basically being a good guy in what _I'm_ putting out there?' and if you can say yes, you can handle other people's right to disagree without needing to make them agree.

Hang in there- I'm sure things will become more manageable and maybe more positive to work with?

January 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjinxtigr

I never submitted an article, but I did comment on one or two. You are, of course, welcome to use those posts as you see fit.

All the best, Brad

John Jenkins

January 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Hey Brad,
I know you're going to be swamped in the next week or so dealing with this new direction so I thought I'd save you some time. I think I only submitted a few articles to I know one dealt with logo design - I can't remember the other one.

In any case, if there's more than two, whatever articles you find that have my credit attached to them, go ahead and keep them alive in your archives. In my mind, the bump in traffic I got when those articles were posted are payment enough.


I wish you all the best in this new direction and will be following closely to see how it's going. Obviously, I have experience dealing with subscription-based content so I know it works - or can work - so again, I wish you all the best!


January 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Flick

I'm fine with my articles being online, that's okay, but my issue was with you guys making money off of the work of others without receiving anything in return. However, I do know that paying people for their work, especially since with this site you would have to go through hundreds of articles to know how much each person was owed. And there is also calculating what each article is worth.

That's why I asked to be linked. You guys don't have to give me a cent, just copy and paste my site address, and then I get a bunch of readers as compensation for my work. I think this is the best way to go, have a contributors page with a list of comics or blogs or whatever from the people who wrote the articles, as a way of saying "Thanks for helping us out."

In any case, Scott linked me, so you guys can use my articles however you want.

January 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Herbert

Hi Brad,

I've already emailed you, but I'll say it here too. I'd be honored to have my article available to your readers at any fee. Thanks for letting me be a part of this site. I wish you nothing but success!

January 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris

Like Chris I've sent an email, but since there is the slight chance you may be flooded with emails at the moment, I'll post here as well...

I know there was at least one of my articles published (can't remember the title, but it was about open source software alternatives to Photoshop, etc.).

You have my permission to use anything I submitted or posted here.

Good luck with the endeavor, I hope it works out great.

January 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjeffa00
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