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Using GMail to handle multiple email accounts

Yesterday, I shared my thoughts on free e-mail services (like Yahoo) on Twitter. In short, Yahoo was one of the first e-mail services I signed up for (back in the ancient days of the World Wide Web), and as I moves from city to city (and from ISP to ISP), it was easy for me to simply keep all of my e-mail needs in once place. And, every year I stuck with Yahoo it became more and more difficult for me to move -- even though people would give me that look when I'd give them my e-mail address.

But recently, Yahoo's service has gotten so bad that even "free" was too high a price to pay. I was, frankly, unable to do simple functions such as downloading an attachment. It was time to move.

And if I was going to go through all this trouble, I was going to finally have an "" address. But, of course, I wanted to do this as inexpensively as possible.

Chances are, you can get e-mail addresses directly through your Web site's host. They're either included in the price you're paying for hosting or they're a cheap add-on.

However, if your host is like mine, the e-mail interface for this e-mail address is abysmal...


Correcting an unfair review

It's hard to avoid getting personally insulted when somone posts an unfair review of your work on the Web. Even if you know that the site has low Web traffic, you still want to defend yourself (and your work) against misconceptions. But doing so runs the risk of making you look thin-skinned and touchy. Here are some thoughts on navigating those tricky waters.


Saturday Deep Dive: Uh-oh! More Comics Grammar

Today's dive into the deeper archive of bring us to Dec. 2009, when we discussed some more grammar rules that are specific to the world of comics.

In a follow-up to an earlier discussion of the proper use / spelling of Yeah, Yay, Yea and Ya, here are some other words and phrases that commonly get misused in comics. Most of these hinge on the proper use of hyphens or apostrophes.

Read the entire post and comment there.


Friday Archive Dive: IFTTT Social-Media Tool

Today's Archive Dive is from Dec. 13, 2012, when we reviewed the IFTTT social-media tool.

This was mentioned in an unrelated thread, so I wanted to put it out front in case you missed it.

Passed along by member Sean Poppe, this app is called IFTTT, which stands for "If This Then That."

Read the entire post and comment there.


Webcomics Confidential: Zach Weinersmith (semi-exclusive)

This podcast was made available to Kickstarter backers of The Webcomics Handbook earlier. Today, members of are the only others to have access to the podcast before it is released to the public on the Webcomics Confidential Web site.

As part of the Kickstarter campaign for The Webcomics Handbook, my backers supported the launch of a new podcast series in which I will interview movers and shakers in Webcomics and drill down deep on topics and information that affect us all. This is the second in that series.

Zach Weinersmith is a webcomics powerhouse. Beyond his brillinat comic, SMBC, comic, he has done sketch comedy as part of SMBC Theater, he has written choose-your-own-adventure books, and he has launched a festival celebrating evolution, BAHfest.

Zach and I covered issues of business-growth as well as his philosophies on social media and comic conventions. To be honest, I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of it. I can say this -- this podcast has already made me re-think some of the things I've been doing for years now.

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